Manage your Telegram community with TeleBot. Start right now. No obligations. No credit card required.

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What is the group privacy mode of Telegram bots? And how to turn it off?
All newly created Telegram bots are in privacy mode by default. Since the bot in privacy mode cannot receive group..
What is the difference between a Telegram group and a supergroup? How to turn a group into a supergroup?
The default group created in Telegram has only limited interactive functions. When the group is upgraded to a super..
How to promote a member or a bot to become a Telegram group administrator.
The capacity of the Telegram community is huge. Most of the Telegram groups have tens of thousands of members. As t..
Boost your conversion rates by adding CTA menu buttons to your Telegram messages
"Audience who don't click don't convert." As marketers, we know this to be true. That's exactly why your posts need..
#checkin — Daily Attendance Bonus now supports hashtags
The "Daily Attendance Bonus" feature has received extremely impressive data since its launch a week ago. We’ve seen..
Use your branding Bot to serve "Daily Attendance Bonus" in Telegram communities
The "Daily Attendance Bonus" feature is a great tool that can boost community activity and dramatically increases t..
Daily Attendance Bonus - the most effective way to boost members engagement and retention for your Telegram communities
Daily Attendance Bonus is an effective way to boost members engagement and retention for your Telegram communities..
How to create your own Telegram bot
Telegram bot is like a robot which programmed to execute tasks automatically for you. Telegram users can create the..
Search through ten thousand group members, and download member data sheets in one click
When your Telegram community grows rapidly, daily management of group members becomes an increasingly tedious task..
Automatically send photos in Telegram groups via Auto Announcements and Responders
Sending photos is now supported in both Auto Announcements and Smart Responders. When composing a message, switchin..